Floating Mangrove

Once a dumping ground for a suite of industrial firms, Homebush Bay used to have dismal levels of DDT, phthalates, and other toxic chemicals swimming in the water. A huge cleanup operation has since improved the situation, though it’s not still perfect, and the surrounding area has become the scene of many recreational activities and waterside residences. The floating mangrove […]

Cola Sharing Can

Ogilvy France and Ogilvy Asia-Pacific joined forces to make a can that splits in half for Coca-Cola, the most literal extension of the brand’s global “Share Happiness” concept. The split-can design is admittedly pretty cool, although sharing a Coke with anyone who isn’t a germaphobe is already pretty easy, so this is a solution to a problem that doesn’t really […]

Personal Pain Control

Dr. Amy Baxter, pediatric ER physician, invented an inexpensive, reusable device to block needle pain. The “Buzzy” device began as a vibrating bee for her kids’ shot phobia, but quickly became a solution for adult injection pain and burning. Now, Buzzy is being used for everything from itching to splinters to bee-stings to blocked milk ducts. Research has demonstrated that […]