Free Photocopying

Springwise: An innovative Japanese company is offering university students free photocopies. This free love is made possible by printing ads on the back of the copy paper, which is slightly thicker than normal to prevent ads from shining through. For JPY 400,000, advertisers can have their message printed on 10,000 sheets of paper. Tadacopy machines have been placed at a […]


Popgadget: Hailing a cab works great in certain neighborhoods, but if you’re off the beaten path there’s not a lot of chances that a cabbie is going to randomly swing by for a pickup. One man is betting that the Digg generation would be more inclined to use taxis if there was a convenient web interface. Jason Diaz’s (800-222-7433) […]

Toilet Breeze

DailyCandy: You’ll overcome your bathroom shyness with the Breeza, a deodorizing toilet seat. The four-stage process removes 95.8 percent of bathroom odors. (And with a number that specific, you know it’s scientifically tested.) First the sensor tells the seat you’ve plopped down. Next a super-quiet fan sucks up the stink and sends it through a carbonated filter. Finally the clean […]

Steering Wheel Notebook

TrendHunter: If you feel that driving is too safe, than you should ‘danger things up’ with a steering wheel laptop. While the design is still in concept stage, I’m sure you can copy the idea by duct taping your laptop to the wheel. This steering wheel notebook is made for people that travel with their cars to work. The unique […]

Funky Coffin

OhGizmo!: You know how when you go to these multi-cultural fairs, and come across the Africa stand, you always have cool wooden sculptures of elongated people and stuff. Yeah? Well, little did we know that the good people of Ghana had taken their art to a whole new level. We just stumbled across a website that sells a variety of […]

Mobile Network

Springwise: Sonopia works with Verizon to handle calls and data transfer, and lets anyone from a rock band to a church group set up their own mobile network brand. In return, the mini carrier will receive 3-8% of revenues generated by the customers they sign up. Brands create their own calling plans, get a co-branded website and are able to […]


TrendCentral: Not since the ‘90s JenniCam craze has a personal webcam attracted so much attention. is the live videostream of Justin Kan, a 23-year-old web entrepreneur in San Francisco who has coined the term “lifecasting” with his no holds barred self-documentation approach. Kan has attached a camera to his head that delivers a 24/7 stream of his life from […]

Voice Advantage

Ecommerce-Guide: Every business owner knows it: If you could just talk to prospects one-on-one, you could convert them to customers. Click-to-chat and click-to-call features, of course, have existed for years, but now there’s a new, more viral twist. Starting today you can test out a new service that attempts to combine the best of social networking with Internet-based telephony. In […]


Cool Tools: My son is left-handed and kept getting the side of his hand dirty from unwanted graphite and ink smudges in school, so we ordered him a SmudgeGuard. The glove, which covers his pinky, is made of nylon and spandex, so it fits snug to his hand and glides easily over the paper when he’s writing fast. Usually, when […]


TrendBlog: BurnLounge is a community-powered digital music service. BurnLounge provides music fans with the necessary software and an expansive catalog of music, to create and sell music (and fan merchandise) to peers from their own digital music stores. This consumer-driven retailing model draws on the power of peer relationships and shared interests of its seller’s communities. After purchasing the software, […]