CoolBusinessIdeas Newsletter Issue 39

New Business Ideas/Opportunities Featured In This Issue: SERVICES Charmin Restroom Procter and Gamble’s bathroom tissue brand operated a 20-stall restroom in the heart of Times Square, calling the service ‘Charmin’s holiday gift to New York’. The facilities offered clean, deluxe bathrooms, baby changing stations, stroller parking, seating areas, and of course lots of luxury toilet paper. RETAIL Supermarket Self-checkout At […]

Pee Battery

Gizmodo: Who knew you could use urine to power a battery? The Pee Battery uses the ions in human urine to keep 1.5 volts streaming for 90 minutes, and its makers say it can be tweaked to last even longer. They’re even saying that all other bodily fluids work equally well. Sounds like an unpleasant way to get that iPod […]

Build Your Bed

Iconoculture: Called BuildTheBed, the product caters to DIY boudoir decorators who want to put their personal memories, fantasies or digital art in a place of honor, if not dreamy contemplation. In a choice of sizes and styles, from arched to rectangular, BuildTheBed’s colorful headboard gives a personality billboard-like prominence. Can’t decide what’s best? Sleep on it. If you can’t settle […]

Cellphone Billboard

The Boston Globe: In an ad-saturated world, the cellphone screen is a nearly pristine canvas. But a number of area companies are helping to transform the device that 220 million people are loath to leave at home into a personal, pocket-sized billboard, hawking everything from the latest ringtone to Fabio-favored “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!” “We’re calling the phone […]