Innovation + Style = Lots of Customers

2 interesting business ideas in the F&B industry were reported in the Straits Times recently: High-tech Dimsum – Dimsum lovers can dine in a totally unique local restaurant (iDimsum: Parco Bugis Junction, #02-53) that serves piping hot dimsum on the conveyor belt. The innovative idea originated from the conveyor belt sushi. Instead of waiting for dishes to come from the […]

Instant Delivery – Or Almost So

Have you ever wished that the sofa or cupboard which you’ve ordered after a painstaking search in a Courts showroom can be delivered right away to your house? A furniture store almost accomplishes that – you order today, they deliver it tomorrow. “Buy today…we’ll deliver TONIGHT!” – ambitious promise from Mealey’s Furniture (, but they have managed to make it […]

Look At Those Walking Ads!

Don’t be surprised to see models walking around London’s streets wearing small jackets that display light LCD screens prominently to understandably amused passer-bys. This brand-new “out of home, mobile, interactive media platform” called Adwalker is but the latest advertising idea to hit the United Kingdom. The Adwalker, designed and created by a young Irish firm of the same name, combines […]