Personalize Your Own Clever Design

The Graphic Designer’s Shop is a newly launched graphic designer’s shop where people can submit their geeky ideas and then Phases Design Studio will create the artwork. Once the artwork has been created, shoppers can use it on various items such as t-shirts, sweaters, drink coasters and handbags. You can personalize your brilliant design idea on a sweater, get it printed by Phases Design Studio and purchase it conveniently in time to show off your unique design to everybody else.

It’s interesting to look at the various design ideas submitted by fellow users on the website and one might even get a laugh out of these geeky (and weird) ideas. If you like one, why not get it printed on a t-shirt or bag?

Think you have a even more crazy and attention-grabbing idea? Submit it to the Graphic Designer’s Shop! The guys at Phases Design Studio will create an artwork based on your idea and share it on the website, and you can immortalize your smart idea by printing the design on your favorite product. Sounds cool? Check out the geeky designs by fellow users or submit your own design now.

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