How to Have the Ultimate Weekend House Clearance

It doesn’t matter who you are; you’ll have piles upon piles of useless items that have accumulated over the years. Whether it’s gifts that never left the box, or just items that you haven’t touched in years – there will be certain “secret” cupboards that house them all.

Of course, over time, it’s useless items like this which can get a little too much. Some rooms turn into store rooms and well, you know how the rest goes.

While a weekend house clearance might not sound the most entertaining way to spend your two days away from the office, it can make a monumental difference to the quality of your life. Not having to look around at junk here, there and everywhere is something that anyone craves – and here are some of the best tips to help you along your way.

Have you used it within the last six months?

This is probably one of the most useful suggestions to take on board as you plan your house clearance. If you have managed to accumulate a lot of items over the years, there’s every chance that you’re one of those people who doesn’t want to “let go” of specific items.

Changing this mentality is easier said than done. One of the most fashionable ways to approach the job is to ask yourself whether it has been used in the last six months. If it has, there’s a chance that you should keep it. If it hasn’t, seriously consider getting rid – unless it’s not been used for seasonal reasons of course.

You’ll soon find that the approach turns into quite a ruthless process but in the interests of freeing up space, this is the exact path you should be taking.

Do your “useless items” expand to furniture?

It should go without saying that if your clearance involves furniture, things can take a turn for the slightly more complicated. While trips to the recycling centre can be productive, in the interests of keeping everything confined to the one weekend it’s worth touching on a house clearance service. These services effectively do all of the hard work for you; meaning that there is no heavy lifting and you can concentrate on sorting through the smaller items which tend to eat away a lot of time.

Where are you going to dispose of your junk?

We touched upon this briefly in the last section, but it goes without saying that you need some sort of idea on where to dispose of the items that you no longer want. Firstly, what are they going to be contained in? Most people find that cardboard boxes can at least bring a little order to the process, and these can be obtained from supermarkets who are usually happy to dispose of them free of charge.

From then on, it’s about the final destination. Generally, it comes to giving away to friends, recycling or just throwing in the trash. Each item will require a different course of action, but naturally in today’s green-world the recycling option is favourable.

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