Pod Launches World’s First Customizable Modular GPS Tracker for Pets

Pod, the tiny, light, fully waterproof GPS Pet Tracker, which has transformed animal tracking around the world, has announced a breakthrough approach for tracking: modularity.

Based on an overwhelming demand for customization of its trackers, they created Pod 3, which turns the fundamentals of tracking on their head by moving beyond a one-size-fits-all device. Pod is launching Pod 3 with a Kickstarter to enable pre-purchase.

“A single-purpose unit is no longer enough. From our global work with pets, we learned people need multiple solutions in a single tracker,” said Sebastian Langton, Pod founder and CEO. “Modularity allows every user to get the necessary core features and then adapt their experience through additional modules. Each module delivers an important new capability, and these capabilities make Pod 3 the only tracker in the world that can easily and inexpensively protect a range of valuable things.”

Pod 3 has all of the device and app-based features of the previous versions, which include real-time GPS location, safe zone and escape alerts settings, and activity monitoring.

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