How Group Insurance Works for Small Businesses

How Group Insurance Works for Small Businesses

These days, smaller businesses have to be able to offer incentives to employees that are just as competitive as those that are being provided by larger corporations. Having the ability to provide health insurance can be a crucial motivating factor when the time comes to recruit and retain new employees. In many cases, it can make all the difference between hiring and retaining the best possible employees to fill roles.

Benecaid is a third-party administrator that offers a range of benefit plans that, by means of a range of unique strategies, can provide affordable health care insurance to even the smallest of businesses. This enables smaller businesses to be as competitive as possible when it comes to recruiting employees. It also provides employees with significant peace of mind knowing that their medical needs and those of their loved ones are being taken care of.

Don’t be Limited to Traditional Plan Offerings

When it comes to traditional group health plans, small businesses are simply not able to compete in any way. At Benecaid though, we provide a range of plans that can be fully customized such as Benecaid flexStyle and Benecaid flexFIT. These plans provide small businesses with the ability to go against the grain without over-stretching their budgets. Your health care solutions have to suit your needs, and where employee benefits are concerned, these solutions must also meet the needs of the trained and experienced employees that you hope to recruit and retain over time.

Offer More than Just a Great Salary

Although salary is always an important consideration when deciding whether to join a new company or not, benefits such as health care plans can have just as much of an impact. Health benefits can and should not just cover employees; they should provide protection for their families as well. Every time a family member visits the doctor or fills out a prescription, finances play a crucial role in deciding whether they actually obtain the medical care they need or not.

In cases where no coverage is available, the cost of medication or treatment may affect whether either of these is obtained as well. Ultimately, this causes financial implications to become more important than health. This is just one reason why Benecaid has developed small business insurance solutions that are as unique as the companies they have been designed for.

Creating a Winning Scenario for All Concerned

Benecaid has assisted numerous businesses in addressing and eliminating difficulties caused by the size of their operations – by creating plans that are beneficial to everyone concerned. Although volume has enabled larger corporations provide health benefits to employees at better prices, customization has helped smaller businesses do so at prices that are more affordable than ever.

Your employees need the peace of mind that is associated with knowing their families have health coverage, while you as an employer need to know that your top talent won’t be attracted by a company that could provide better health benefits. Being able to do so within your predetermined budget is what makes a Benecaid insurance plan for small businesses so practical and affordable for small businesses.




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