Alarm Pills

smpl_simpill11196-1.gifIconoculture: As technology lets us monitor more aspects of our lives, it can mean safer medicating and better health for forgetful patients.
Time for a pill? The SIMpill bottle takes the guesswork out of medicine schedules, using cellphone tech to alert patients (or their caregivers) when a prescribed dose is missed. Pharmacists program pill-popping times into the dispenser, and if the bottle’s opened too early or too late, SIMpill notifies the patient via text message on their cell. If there’s no response, an alert hits the phone of a family member or other designated caregiver (Business Day 1.25.05). If the pill’s taken at the appointed time, there’s no warning – a better system than constant alarms, says SIMpill’s inventor, Dr. David Green, because “people get message fatigue”
TAKE A PILL [Iconoculture]

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