Write Together on WEbook

What is WEbook.com All About? from WEbook.com on Vimeo.
WEbook.com is an online publishing platform that allows writers, editors, reviewers, illustrators and others to work together and create great works of fiction and non-fiction, thrillers and essays, short stories, children’s books and more.
The WEbook.com website gives writers a great interactive platform on which to write and through which to share their works with friends and readers around the world. Users’ projects, submissions, reviews, groups, and friends list are collected and updated on a personalised WEbook profile and homepage. Whenever your project has a new submission or your work gets new feedback, you’ll get notified via a live feed. There are more: on WEbook you’ll find live forum and research tools available to use within all projects to help you interact with other writers, contributors and readers.

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