
photo_blog_violight.jpgPopgadget: My girlfriend told me that toothbrushes harbor more germs than a toilet bowl. Yeeewwwww!
That was enough to get me looking for a solution, and fortunately for my sanity, VIOlight has already come up with a solution. Their little gizmo is proven to kill 99.9% of germs found on your toothbrush using UV light. And did I mention that it was designed by Philippe Starck, so it looks good in any bathroom? With the adaptors that come with, you can even fit your electric toothbrush head in the unit.
The company sent me the bath unit to try out, and I can report that it’s easy to set up. Just plug it into the wall, place toothbrushes in the slots (4 of them), press the button, and after 10 minutes of ultra violet light, you’ve killed all those nasty germs and bugs. That’s millions of microscopic bugs that can cause flu, colds and other illnesses.
VIOlight Toothbrush Sanitizer [Popgadget]

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