Video Email

Video Email is a revolutionary new way in how we communicate with one another. In our personal lives, we send out an average of 15 emails per week. In our business lives, the company as a collective group sends out hundreds if not thousands of emails. The pre-existing emails encompass two methods to communicating: text and pictures. Studies show that the average human being only retains 10% of what we read, only 20 percent of what we see with pictures. However, the average human being retains 50% of what they see AND hear. Hence the concept of video email is the wave of the future. It is a new and unique way of contacting perspective clients, retaining existing clients, and rekindling relationships with past clients. Not only that, for personal use, there’s no reason the grandparents in a different state have to miss the new baby’s first steps or little Bobby’s first home run anymore. Video email is a product that will bring an increasingly globalized world closer and accelerate the process.
Using video email allows businesses a unique way to communicate with their clients, which not only increases retention, but also increases intimacy. Having face to face contact allows the clients to remember who they’re doing business with. It allows people to say thank you in a more meaningful way. Realtors can now send real tours where they physically go in the house room to room and comment on its amenities rather than virtual tours through email. Pastors can inform their congregation about the retreat that’s taking place next Saturday. Doctors can now get their secretaries to video email their patients to remind them of their next appointment. Company executives can send out a motivational message to their employees even if they are in a different city. The possibilities are limitless.
Video Email For Everyone

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1 thought on “Video Email

  1. is it a good idea? Video email before your morning coffee half awake and looking maybe a little miserable. hmmm unless there is a picture of you looking your best.

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