New Media

Red Herring Blog: The media is self-organizing. Not the old fogies, such as daily newspapers, magazines, and television networks, but the legions of self-publishers and producers on the web.
In recent months, the rise of podcasting has sent a flare up over the trenches of old media, key figures have abandoned their posts in old media to set out into the new, and now Yahoo has announced a well-documented format for RSS media syndication that will support text, audio, and, now, video delivery. A new wiki-based news organization, WikiNews, will pioneer a form of news editing that, while it’s ripe with potential problems, is a provocative change from the passive consumption of news.
There’s something new coming, called “citizen advertising,” that combines passionate advocacy and unsolicited evangelism on behalf of products. Some bloggers are working under new sponsorship models (disclosure: including me, your humble Red Herring blogger), and others are joining emerging blog publishing combines. BlogAds, AdBrite and Google AdSense, among others, are paving the bridge between existing and new advertising models.
The year the media will turn inside out [Red Herring Blog]

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