LiveNote App For Orchestra Performances

LiveNote App For Orchestra Performances

The Philadelphia Orchestra is rolling out LiveNote™, an application for mobile devices that allows audiences to access information about the works they are hearing, following the music with real-time musical, emotional, and historical highlights. LiveNote is one of many Orchestra initiatives to explore how technology can intersect with audiences at the different points where they experience music. Developed in collaboration with Drexel University engineers, LiveNote works with Android and IOS phones.

A critical feature of LiveNote is that it has been developed to have minimal impact on concertgoers in the hall and thoroughly tested in rehearsals and postlude performances. The application is designed with grey text on a black background specifically to minimize light and disruption. The content is custom designed for each piece to optimize the experience of hearing the work without distraction. It can be used throughout Verizon Hall, and its use is optional. LiveNote will be a companion to Playbill, which will continue to be distributed at performances when LiveNote is available.

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